Insightly CRM Onboarding Part 5: Adoption, Permissions, and Workflow Automation

Project Management & Email

Finally, it’s time to get your team into your CRM! Adding users and setting permissions will help you structure your CRM the way you want. You can add any person you choose and control everything they have access to.

We’ll also cover workflow automation in this section. Workflow automation saves you time by completing repetitive tasks for you automatically.

Note: Workflow automation is only available on Professional and Enterprise plans.

Add Users

Insightly administrators can add new users from the System Settings > Users page. Once the user is activated, you’ll need to set up their security access permissions.

To add a new user:

  • Click the profile icon and select System Settings > User List.
  • To add or invite a new user, click the Add New User button. Depending on how your Insightly account was set up, you will now see one or two options.
  • If you see a list of G Suite users from your Google Apps domain, you’re using an Insightly for G Suite account. If you don’t see a list, skip ahead to step 4.

Select a name from the list and click Add to activate the user in Insightly. The user will receive an email and will be able to sign in using their G Suite login. For these users, you can skip the next step.

  • If you are not using Insightly for G Suite or are adding a user from outside of your G Suite domain, enter the new user’s first name, last name, and email address.
  • Select a Profile for the user.
  • Click Add New User.

An email message with an activation link will be sent to the user. They can activate their Insightly user account by clicking the link and setting up a password. For security reasons, the invitation will expire after seven days.

Simple vs Advanced Permissions

There are two options for controlling user access to records in Insightly CRM: Simple Permissions and Advanced Permissions. Which option you choose will depend on the size of your company, your Insightly subscription plan, and how you want to control your users’ ability to access and change records.

Each time a user views a page, Insightly checks their permissions and displays only the record types, records, links, and actions that the user is allowed to see.

Permissions settings can be set by administrators on the System Settings > Permissions page. For more information, read our overview of Advanced Permissions.

Workflow Automation

Workflow Automation allows you to fire off automated emails and assign pre-made tasks based on specific criteria you set.

For example, you can:

  • Send a personalized email to leads who sign up on your website.
  • Send your manager an email when you have hit your sales goals.
  • Assign a task to follow up with a client before their contract renewal date.

Watch this video about creating Workflow Processes:

In the final section of the Essential Guided Onboarding, we’ll walk you through dashboards and reporting. Click here if you’re ready to skip ahead..

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