Marketing Automation for Manufacturing

Drive leads and grow pipeline for your manufacturing firm with Insightly Marketing

Why choose Insightly Marketing?

Build pipeline and revenue

Engage with your audiences, create high-value leads, and grow your business.

Create lifelong customers

Drive loyalty through relevant messaging shared at just the right time in the buying journey.

The marketing app you’ll love

Align across sales and marketing to optimize the customer experience.

Engage audiences and build pipeline

Build trust and grow your business by delivering the right message to the right audience at just the right time.

Insightly Marketing Journeys are an intuitive solution that has helped our client drive a 10x increase in pipeline over just a few months by identifying prospects with a high propensity to convert.

Amy Anderson,
Co-Founder, Wild Coffee Marketing

Email marketing

Quickly and easily create beautiful marketing assets that drive awareness and conversion.

  • Launch great-looking, high-converting campaigns in minutes
  • Use pre-built email templates or customize your own templates with intuitive drag-and-drop functionality
  • Have more control over the way you reach customers with transactional emails and email batching

Landing pages and forms

Create high-quality landing pages designed to convert visitors to leads.

  • Design, build, and clone beautiful, engaging landing pages
  • Capture interest and engagement with embedded forms
  • Share contact information automatically with sales and delivery for seamless follow-up

Journey builder

Create strong relationships by making every touchpoint insightful and engaging

  • Easily build multi-step email sequences that guide customers from awareness to adoption and advocacy
  • Nurture relationships with multi-touch content and logical next-best actions
  • Automatically send notifications, change lead scores, or even trigger workflows based on customer interest and intent

Dynamic list segmentation

Improve your brand reputation and your results by delivering relevant content that builds trust.

  • Show customers you understand them and their business by dynamically adding or removing contacts from your lists
  • Optimize conversion through improved targeting
  • Monitor interest and purchase intent with prospect scoring and grading
  • Segment by firmographic and demographic data and maximize your ability to reach the right person with the right message

Measure and iterate

Make smart decisions, understand what motivates your audience, then iterate and improve on your performance.

The number one biggest benefit of working with Insightly is transparency. Major decisions have to happen and we all have to be on the same page.

Kelsey Dus,
Marketing Director, SIGMA Equipment

Dashboards and reporting

Create a single source of truth, share results across your entire organization, and demonstrate your impact.

  • Track your unique KPIs with shareable dashboard cards and different chart types
  • Evaluate and report on campaign performance with UTM tracking, multi-touch attribution, and ROI tracking
  • Understand audience preference and intent with prospect ID tracking
  • Improve email performance with health reporting

A/B and multivariate testing

Test, learn, and improve your email performance

  • Understand what resonates for your audiences, and what doesn’t
  • Improve your email campaigns and engage your audiences more effectively
  • Go beyond basic A/B testing with easy-to-use advanced testing that will help you optimize results
  • Improve email performance with health reporting

Integrate with ease

Share insights across your entire
organization and build strong
relationships with prospects
and customers.

Modern, unified platform

Extend your reach and drive sales with a unified experience across sales, marketing, and customer support.

  • Show customers you know them with data captured across every single interaction
  • Deliver great experiences across every single sales, marketing, and customer support touchpoint
  • Easy to customize and integrate with the applications you use to run your business


Market smarter and grow faster when you connect Insightly Marketing to the rest of your tech stack.

  • Capture leads more easily from all your digital advertising channels, like Google Ads, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn
  • Connect your eCommerce platform to Insightly, send targeted campaigns, and sell more
  • Empower your marketing operations team to own all your integrations
Watch the video

CRM + Marketing Automation Yields 3x Revenue Increase

Manufacturing firm SIGMA Equipment shares the benefit of using Insightly CRM + Insightly Marketing to drive better cross-team communication, move faster, and generate more revenue.

Watch the video

Privacy and compliance

We use Insightly to run Insightly, so we make sure your data is as secure and safe as our own. We work with customers every day to make sure that their data security requirements are met and exceeded.

  • Independently assessed for compliance to SOC 2 Type II
  • Single sign-on via industry standard authentication protocols
  • Support for two-factor authentication
  • Encryption of data in transit and at rest
  • EU/US Privacy Shield and GDPR Compliance

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Frequently Asked Questions

Is marketing automation only for large manufacturing companies?

Manufacturing firms of all sizes can benefit from marketing automation. Since marketing automation automates repetitive tasks, it can help smaller teams do more and faster. For larger teams, it’s table stakes in order to work effectively.

What are some marketing tasks that manufacturing firms can automate?

Manufacturing firms can use lead scoring and grading to surface the best leads quickly. Firms can use website forms to gather prospect data and automate responses for a better customer experience. Firms can offer content pieces for download and deliver those pieces automatically while automating follow-up by lead data.

How does marketing automation work with content marketing for manufacturing firms?

Content marketing for manufacturing firms means producing content such as videos, blogs, white papers, ebooks, etc. on manufacturing topics. Using a marketing automation platform, firms can use those pieces in email drip campaigns, on landing pages, and on social media.

Insightly Marketing in Action

Marketing Automation for Manufacturing

Marketing automation for manufacturing amid modern, hyper-competitive, and technologically advanced business environments is pivotal for success. It refers to the use of cutting-edge software tools and platforms that automate repetitive marketing tasks, allowing manufacturers to streamline their processes and focus on more strategic initiatives. This transformative approach helps companies optimize their marketing efforts, boost productivity, and consequently increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

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Marketing automation for manufacturing amid modern, hyper-competitive, and technologically advanced business environments is pivotal for success. It refers to the use of cutting-edge software tools and platforms that automate repetitive marketing tasks, allowing manufacturers to streamline their processes and focus on more strategic initiatives. This transformative approach helps companies optimize their marketing efforts, boost productivity, and consequently increase customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Marketing automation meaning can be easily understood as the implementation of technology to facilitate better decision-making, enhanced efficiency, and improved results in various marketing activities. By automating tasks such as email campaigns, social media updates, lead nurturing, lead scoring, and other essential functions, companies free up valuable time and resources for other vital areas such as research and development or innovation.

Marketing automation platforms are closely tied with customer relationship management systems, or CRMs

Marketing automation for manufacturing companies is particularly relevant since this sector often deals with complex sales cycles that require constant follow-ups and accurate tracking of potential customers. Furthermore, manufacturers are constantly under pressure to reduce costs while maintaining product quality standards. As a result, effective marketing strategies are imperative for generating leads while simultaneously ensuring maximum return on investments. In recent years there has been a noticeable shift in the way businesses perceive marketing for manufacturing. 

Traditional methods like trade shows and print advertisements are no longer sufficient to keep up with ever-changing market demands. Instead, companies need a comprehensive digital strategy powered by sophisticated automated tools to attract potential customers through engaging content delivered via multiple channels such as email marketing campaigns or social media platforms.

Marketing automation enables manufacturers to analyze data from various touch points within the customer journey effectively. This insight allows marketers to segment audiences based on unique attributes like demographics or specific product interests quickly. Consequently, this targeted approach ensures that prospective clients receive only the most relevant information tailored explicitly towards their needs – significantly increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Furthermore, marketing automation for manufacturing provides real-time feedback about campaign performance across different channels enabling rapid adjustments to be made when required – ultimately maximizing efficiency through continuous improvement processes often associated with manufacturing itself. 

Marketing automation for manufacturing is a vital component of any modern company’s growth strategy. It enables streamlined management of diverse marketing activities, allowing businesses to focus on their core competencies while generating leads and driving sales. By incorporating sophisticated software tools that provide actionable insights based on data analysis, manufacturers can tailor their efforts more effectively – ensuring they remain competitive in an increasingly digital world. To fully harness the potential offered by automated marketing solutions, companies must invest in the necessary infrastructure and training to support these technologies effectively.

Manufacturing CRM

The realm of manufacturing has experienced rapid technological advancements in recent years, leading to a more urgent need for efficient and effective customer relationship management (CRM) systems. Manufacturing CRM is an essential tool that enables businesses in the manufacturing industry to better serve their customers by streamlining processes, improving communication, and generally contributing to increased sales and improved levels of customer satisfaction.

As a central component of the modern business landscape, CRM manufacturing solutions are specifically designed to cater to the unique needs and requirements of manufacturing businesses. By implementing a robust CRM system tailored for the manufacturing industry, companies can efficiently manage their leads, track production progress, oversee inventory levels, and much more. Your CRM software for manufacturing must be supported by a CRM strategy for manufacturing

One of the primary benefits of a well-functioning CRM for manufacturing industry processes is its ability to provide real-time insights into customer interactions and preferences. This invaluable data allows companies to make informed decisions about product development, marketing strategies, pricing structures, and overall business operations. By utilizing powerful analytics capabilities inherent within these systems, manufacturers can better understand trends and patterns amongst their clientele – ultimately leading to greater success in meeting consumer demands.

CRM facilitates streamlined communication both internally among team members and externally with clients. An efficient CRM system enables employees across various departments within a company – from sales representatives to engineers – to access vital information regarding customer orders, product specifications, delivery schedules, etc., all at the touch of a button. This enhanced level of collaboration helps ensure that all involved parties are on the same page when it comes to fulfilling client needs.

Additionally, CRM solutions allow manufacturers to better manage their sales pipelines by automating key tasks such as order processing or lead tracking. With this deeper insight into their internal processes as well as external customer data points like purchasing behavior or feedback on products/services rendered, manufacturers can more effectively gauge what works best for each individual client so they may continue providing top-notch service without missing out on fruitful opportunities along the way.

A manufacturing CRM is an indispensable tool that assists businesses within the industry to optimize their operations and cultivate strong connections with their client base. Deploying a robust CRM system specifically tailored for manufacturing allows companies to gain invaluable insights into their customers’ needs and preferences while streamlining internal processes and communication channels for greater efficiency.

CRM Strategy for Manufacturing

A CRM strategy for manufacturing is crucial in today’s competitive business environment. In the era of Industry 4.0, integrating technology and data-driven insights into every aspect of a manufacturer’s operation has become imperative. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems are no exception, providing valuable tools and insights to optimize customer interactions and drive sales growth.

CRM systems for manufacturing serve as an essential component in building and maintaining strong relationships with customers. These digital platforms not only help manage contact information but also track sales opportunities, forecast demand, monitor customer satisfaction, and provide data analysis to enhance overall strategic decision-making.

A critical aspect of implementing CRM in manufacturing is ensuring seamless integration with existing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. This allows manufacturers to gain a deeper understanding of their customer base by combining customer data from the CRM platform with production, inventory, and financial data from the ERP system. Typically, this enables better forecasting of demand patterns, improved resource allocation, and ultimately higher profitability.

Moreover, CRM systems for manufacturing support after-sales service management by tracking product warranties and managing service requests or issues promptly and efficiently. By closely monitoring these aspects of customer interaction, manufacturers can improve their response times while minimizing operational costs related to service management.

Another noteworthy benefit provided by a robust CRM strategy for manufacturing is improved targeting capabilities when running marketing campaigns for new products or promotions. By leveraging the rich dataset within the system – which may include historical purchase patterns among other demographic details – manufacturers can tailor their messaging based on specific segments within their target audience. This results not only in increased efficiency when allocating marketing resources but also enhances overall campaign effectiveness.

A sound CRM strategy for manufacturing is imperative for modern businesses to maintain and even expand their customer base in an increasingly competitive market. By implementing advanced CRM systems that seamlessly integrate with existing ERP solutions while providing valuable data analysis and automation features, manufacturers can improve their sales processes, streamline after-sales service management, drive more targeted marketing campaigns, and foster better collaboration between departments. Altogether, these benefits culminate in higher levels of customer satisfaction, loyalty, and ultimately business growth.

Marketing Automation Software for Manufacturing

When it comes to selecting the best marketing automation for manufacturing companies, there are numerous factors to consider in order to find a solution that caters to the unique needs and requirements of this industry. Among these factors, it is essential for potential users to consider how well a particular platform integrates with existing systems and processes, as well as its ability to adapt and evolve alongside an ever-changing business landscape.

One aspect that sets marketing automation software for manufacturing apart from other types of solutions is its focus on addressing challenges specific to this industry. For instance, manufacturers often need tools that enable them to manage complex sales cycles or navigate intricate distribution networks. By providing features designed specifically with these needs in mind, these platforms can help manufacturers overcome obstacles and drive growth more effectively than generic alternatives.

A key component of any effective marketing automation tool in this domain is its compatibility with customer relationship management (CRM) systems. The best CRM for manufacturing should be able to seamlessly integrate with your chosen solution, facilitating streamlined data exchange between both platforms. This capability ensures that all team members have access to accurate, up-to-date customer information when they need it most.

CRM software for manufacturing must also cater to specific needs within this sector. For example, many manufacturers operate within large or geographically dispersed markets where maintaining close relationships with customers can be challenging due to sheer scale alone. In such cases, a robust CRM system that allows teams to effectively manage leads across vast territories will prove invaluable.

Ultimately, by investing in appropriate solutions for manufacturing – including both marketing automation software and complementary CRM tools – businesses operating within this industry can optimize their marketing efforts and achieve greater success in a competitive market. By carefully considering the unique needs of your company, you can select the most appropriate platform and unlock the full potential of this powerful technology.